A Moment Of A Cosiness
“In the entire circle of the year there are no days so delightful as those of a fine October, when the trees are bare to the mild heavens, and the red leaves bestrew the road, and you can feel the breath of winter, morning and evening — no days so calm, so tenderly solemn, and with such a reverent meekness in the air."
Such a good words to describe the Autumn time. Indeed, there is no better time than these days. Of course, each season has it's own beauty but Autumn is my no.1. From the trees falling all sorts of colored leaves. Rain. Slight cold. Darkening nights. And after all this beautiful period approaching the coldest season of the year - winter. Also, it's time to think about things which haunts or a chance to do stuff you were planning to do but you never did. Autumn may be new things beginning.
Yesterday I had a very chuffed day and it made me happy. Because I tried to spend every minute usefully and I liked it. Maybe not all the day, but certainly in the second half of the day. Maybe hundreds of time I changed my mind what to write in blog post. I decided why not to write things that I love Autumn. Therefore I made a little list.
- Foggy mornings.These mornings are wanderful times where everything is wrapped in a quiet calmness while the world is slowly waking up. Worth getting up early and shoot a lot pictures, but I'm too lazy. For now I will enjoy the view while going to school with a bus.
- Crunchy colourful leaves.When the leaves begins to change color and fall to the ground, and when they go crunchy underfoot, it makes things even more perfect. The sight becomes unrealistic.
- Nice smelling candles.Burning candles in chilly season is much more pleasure because the days are darker and you can burn it the entire day. Flame of a candle gives the room cozy atmosphere and nice smell.
- Movie nights.Great thing about Autumn is snuggling up under a blanket, wearing fluffy socks, drinking hot drink and watching new films or even films from these days when you were not born.
- Rainy days.I really enjoing listening the sound of the rain drops on my window. It's making me calm and inspires me.
- Warm drinks.The best thing to please yourself on the cold weather is a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate. The best time for me to improve the various coffee methods.
- Books.Autumn cosiness and atmosphere gives a special moment to read books.
This pretty much all what I can come up with. If you love Autumn as well as I then say your best things which you love about it.
Audrey xx
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